2021 목회자 자녀 장학생 선발

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     ☞ Online Registration 등록 및 접수

*This scholarship is for the college students who are children of a pastor or missionary.



  1.  The applicant should be a student enrolled in college / university in NJ, NY, CT or PA  or The ministry of the applicant’s parent must be in NJ, NY, CT, or PA. 
  2. Currently enrolled college students with “cumulative” grade point average (GPA) of 2.50 or higher

Sunday, Oct. 31, 2021


The MOST RECENT copy of the documents listed below must be submitted to the email address above as 1 batch with the file name saved as “Lastname_Firstname”.  The complete application, supporting documents and 2 references must be submitted by no later than the deadline indicated above. 


  1.  초대교회 장학금 신청서 (Online Application) 
  2. Transcript: Official College/HS Transcript
  3. Proof of College Enrollment or Acceptance Letter
  4. Financial Aid Award Letter
  5. Federal Student Aid FAFSA/SAR
  6. 부모님 교회 주보
  7. Student Loan Statement (if you enter loan outstanding amount in question 24)
  8. 2명의 추천서 (2 References)



  1. Two are required; one MUST be from a church or Christian Group Leader -i.e. pastor, elder, small group leader, etc
  2. Please copy the link below and send to your references.  
  3. Please make sure that they use your name (candidate) same as your application in order for us to match. 
  4. Failure to submit the recommendation via the link provided below by Oct 23,2021 may result in disqualification.
  5. https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=2oZVBHuc9E6lha5xkZXaQxHtIKSB_qZIqnjmrMgzVa9UNFA3T09XM0s2TEg1WFFOU0YxNUlEVUpONi4u



scholarship.committee@njchodae.org (Attn: Chodae Scholarship Committee)
송우영 집사 (201.951.5852), 이유화 집사 (201.289.2997)

Categories: 교회소식