
스페인 Jesus Londoño 선교사
 The Londono Family From Granada, Spain Februray 2017 We began a new year with our “batteries charged”, eager to continue seeing the dreams and visions realized and working towards that goal. Without fail, the news about Spain at times encourages us and other times not so much. Also, the battle with health and other challenges at times makes us recall the Bible passage from 2 Corinthians 4D16 “So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day”… Thank you, friends and co-workers on the battlefield, as we begin another year of the missionary journey together where our voices of encouragement inspire us to keep running strong toward the goal. God is good!! Family Many of you had the opportunity to see us in Colombia at the end of 2016. Our “furlough”, or home assignment (it had been more than 12 years since we had spent Christmas with our parents and family) was a gift from God for Jesus and Mireya because in addition to the New Year celebrations, we celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary!!! My goodness how time flies!! We could tell you so many stories from these two months (December and January) but to sum it up for you, it was a time where we could serve, love, feel like we were in community, including times to cry with our loved ones. How do we feel after so many years? This was the first time for us to travel not as a family of four (Sarai and Alejandra stayed in Spain). We needed this time together as a couple to think, to refresh our strength and vision, to remember our first years of walking together and how God has guided us in every decision, in every country where we have lived… to feel a little more that even though the years go by, time after time we have learned the value of being with family. 25 years have passed serving together as a couple and we hope that God gives us many more years to serve Him!! We leave you with photos that speak more than many words…
Ministry In these months, even though we were resting, we were also able to serve in the areas that stir up the most passion in us. We visited the churches and friends who support us in Colombia, but Jesus also took a few short trips to Ecuador, Peru and Costa Rica to attend some events as a speaker. Something that we loved doing and that had a big impact on our lives was the opportunity to celebrate Christmas with needy children and families in a marginalized area o f Bogota (Compostela). What a joy to see them smile and cry at the same time, sharing a wonderful meal with them, singing, playing… We thank every person who participated, every ministry that supported the event so that the dream of many of these families became a reality!! God bless you all!! The preaching times and communion with our Christian brothers and sisters were incredible!! We were happy to hear from people who, in one way or another, were impacted by a message or teaching, or simply because they had been with us some years before. People came and hugged us to thank us… One of these people, the guy in the photo*, was someone we didnʼt know but he told us that just a few days after having heard a message that Jesus preached in his church his wife was diagnosed with cancer and went home to the Lord. He never forgot that message, it gave him strength in the painful moments… we never knew about any of this… but we came to learn about it after 8 years. Is there anything that inspires us and fills us with more joy? There are no words to express that wonder… we are only clay pots in His hands… Plans for prayer * As you know this year in Spain we will celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation from 10-15 July!! We are working hard to make everything come out well in the celebration. Jesus has meetings and various trips to different cities during these months to help and cast the vision of this great event. This is the first time an event of this magnitude is taking place in Spain. Donʼt forget to go to www.500reforma.org for more information.
* We ask for your prayers for us as well. Our health is very important so that we can go ahead with all of our plans. We have been affected by colds, bronchitis, stomach pain and headaches… May God help us. * Please pray for the work that we do in Spain. We face many challenges every day and it can be stressful. May God help us to continue directing the SEPAL team with wisdom (more missionaries are coming to join the team), strengthening the churches (preaching and worship), the church in Guadix that is going though a time of adjustment, discipleship with people, and sharing the gospel with our neighbors. All of this encourages us but we also need your prayers. * In August, our daughter Alejandra wishes to make a shortterm missionary trip to Romania to help the refugees there. She wants to serve them and to feel more closely her missionary call. She is asking for prayer and financial support to fulfill her dream. * Here we leave you with the link where you can hear about us. The password to see it is: España https://vimeo.com/ 205580695 Hugs from Granada! Thanks for your support!!: USA: OC International P.O. Box 36900 Colorado, Springs CO 80936-9900